I agree and disagree with the principal of P.S. on the single gender classrooms.According to the article,"A boy who has never been beaten by a girl on an algebra test could have some major problems having a female supervisor"So if the genders are separate,than it might be difficult for those kids to cope with members of the opposite gender.But there is also another side to it.In the text it states "“Before it was all about showing the girls who was toughest, and roughing up and being cool,” said Samell Little, whose son Gavin is in his second school year surrounded only by boys. “Now I never hear a word from teachers about behavior problems, and when he talks about school, he is actually talking about work.”"which means that single gender classrooms are also good towards behavioral problems.Now,this subject is quite controversial,but now i'm going to have to make a decision.I disagree with the principal because having a mixed gender class is actually preparing kids for later in life.True,flirting and dating might start early,but again,it's just preparation for later life.So my opinion is disagreement with the principal.